Keine Pro­duk­te im Waren­korb

General terms and conditions

I. General

The general terms and con­di­ti­ons are the basis for a fair cus­to­mer rela­ti­on­ship. When sending an order, the cus­to­mer agrees to the general terms and con­di­ti­ons. We make every effort to serve our cus­to­mers accor­ding to their needs and to their full satis­fac­tion. In order to keep the general terms and con­di­ti­ons rea­da­ble, we use the mas­cu­li­ne form, but of course we also address all genders.

II. Scope of application

These General Terms and Con­di­ti­ons (GTC) govern the rela­ti­on­ship between Roandi Vinos GmbH, Indu­strie­stras­se 4, 8732 Neuhaus (her­ein­af­ter refer­red to as «Roandi Vinos»), and you as Roandi cus­to­mer (her­ein­af­ter refer­red to as «cus­to­mer» or «you»). Any devia­ting agree­ments must be in writing in order to be valid.
Our entire range from www.roandi.ch is aimed at a cli­ente­le within Switz­er­land. There are no deli­veries to other count­ries.

III. Conclusion of contract

The offer to con­clude the con­tract is made by you as the cus­to­mer by clicking the button «[Buy] or [Bin­din­gly con­clude order]» after com­ple­te­ly filling out the order page. You remain bound to the order for one week. The con­tract is bin­din­gly con­clu­ded if we accept the order within this period in accordance with the fol­lo­wing pro­vi­si­ons.
After sending the order, you will receive an e‑mail with which we confirm receipt of the order by us (order receipt con­fir­ma­ti­on). The order con­fir­ma­ti­on only serves as infor­ma­ti­on that we have recei­ved the order.

A con­tract is only validly con­clu­ded when we declare accep­tance of the con­tract. We declare the accep­tance of the con­tract by issuing an invoice to the cus­to­mer or by deli­very of the goods at the latest.
The con­tract is only con­clu­ded for those items that are listed in our invoice. This also con­clu­si­ve­ly deter­mi­nes the scope of ser­vices.

The cus­to­mer has the option to print the order and the entered data during the orde­ring process. Fur­ther­mo­re, there is the pos­si­bi­li­ty to open a cus­to­mer account. In the cus­to­mer account, the order data can be viewed after ente­ring the per­so­nal access data. Roandi Vinos reser­ves the right to block cus­to­mer accounts without giving reasons at its own dis­creti­on.

IV. No sale to minors

Roandi Vinos does not sell alcohol to minors under the age of 18. The cus­to­mer con­firms with his order at www.roandi.ch the accu­ra­cy of his infor­ma­ti­on and thus his eli­gi­bi­li­ty to purcha­se.

V. Payments

Payment of the purcha­se price is made optio­nal­ly by credit card (VISA, Master­card), PayPal, Post­card, Post e‑finance, Twint, cash in advance or invoice. The data for payment via credit and debit cards are trans­mit­ted encrypt­ed.

If Roandi Vinos accepts payment of the purcha­se price on account, the purcha­se price is due within 30 days of the invoice date. For late payments, a default inte­rest of 5% will be charged. Remin­der fees will be charged with a lump sum of CHF 20.
When purcha­sing on pre­payment, the desired order will be trig­ge­red only when the cor­re­spon­ding payment has been recei­ved. If the payment is not recei­ved by Roandi Vinos within 10 days, the order may be can­cel­led.

Until full payment of the invoice, the goods remain the pro­per­ty of Roandi Vinos.

VI. Delivery & shipping costs

Deli­very is subject to the con­di­ti­on of timely and proper self-deli­very by our sup­pliers. In case of force majeure such as strikes and other labor dis­pu­tes, riots, war, natural dis­asters, as well as in case of sus­pen­si­on of deli­very by the manu­fac­tu­rer or sub-sup­plier, there will be no delay in deli­very. Roandi Vinos is not liable for delays in deli­very caused by sup­pliers or third parties.

Deli­very will be made to the invoice reci­pi­ent or to a deli­very address in Switz­er­land chosen by him. In prin­ci­ple, the ordered goods will be deli­ver­ed on our behalf by truck, mail or Vinolog accor­ding to the fol­lo­wing cost regu­la­ti­ons:

  • Deli­veries with a value of CHF 250.– or more will be made free of charge
  • A flat rate of CHF 15.– will be charged for deli­veries of less than CHF 250.–
  • For desti­na­ti­ons that require addi­tio­nal effort (car-free areas, con­nec­tion via fee-paying moun­tain rail­roads, etc.), the addi­tio­nal costs are charged
  • In the case of express deli­veries, the costs actual­ly incur­red will be charged to the cus­to­mer.

Our per­for­mance is a fate debt and is ful­fil­led with the han­do­ver to the trans­port person. After ship­ment, the risk of acci­den­tal dete­rio­ra­ti­on and acci­den­tal loss of the goods shall pass to the cus­to­mer. We shall not be liable for any fault of the trans­port company used. The terms of deli­very shall apply. The con­di­ti­on of the goods recei­ved must be checked imme­dia­te­ly upon receipt; after eight days have elapsed, the deli­very shall be deemed to have been appro­ved.

VII. Data protection

The coll­ec­tion and pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data of cus­to­mers by Roandi Vinos is explai­ned in the Privacy Policy. This forms an inte­gral part of the con­tract of these GTC. A trans­fer of per­so­nal data to the adver­ti­sers does not take place.

VIII. Jurisdiction

Swiss law shall apply exclu­si­ve­ly. The exclu­si­ve place of juris­dic­tion is St. Gallen.